On-Page SEO Services

Google organic search is responsible for 59.2% of the world’s web traffic

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On page SEO plays a vital role to get ranked on google search results. With On page SEO you can describe your pages to a crawler. So that they can understand what your page or website is about. And show relevant queries. By which you will get targeted audiences on your website. On-page SEO boosts content flow and structure, which helps users to understand better. Like the use of Heading tags, and external and internal linking. The only thing we can control in the world of SEO is On-page SEO. Do you know? We can rank on google with only effective on a page of a webpage. At The Shivam Mehta, we employ best practices and strategies to make your website SEO-optimized to crack the google search results competition. Let us understand in detail about the On-page SEO service offering. So that you can get a 360-degree perspective of our services. Because we are your in-house team. We value your trust and projects.

Quick SEO Statistics!


92.96% of global traffic comes from Google Search, Google Images, and Google Maps.


53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search,


SEO leads have a 14.6% close rate.

What is On-page SEO?

In a Nutshell, On page SEO aka on-site SEO is referred to as making your part of the website’s SEO optimized to achieve a higher ranking on google search result pages. This can be done by using keywords in heading tags, updating the content, creating an internal links structure, and more to add. 

These things matter because search engine like Google tries to understand our content with the help of keywords used in our Heading tags, meta description, URL, and intro of content. With the help of this google’s bot shows your website to the user as per their intent. 

At The Shivam Mehta aka TSM, we employ these practices effectively to make the content user-friendly and get ranked higher on searches. Previously we had applied these tactics with our dedication and mindset for growth. After this, we got unexpected results and increased our client’s traffic with revenue. 

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How On-Page SEO Boosts organic traffic?

On-page SEO helps crawlers and users to understand your web pages’ content easily. Add keywords to crucial parts of the webpage. Optimizing content for readers instead of bots, updating the content with the latest updates, and using long-tail keywords throughout the content helps google’s bot to understand content efficiently.

When google algorithms understand your webpage, then they show your webpages on the relevant searches on google. The more your webpage is relevant to the query there are more chances to rank higher on SERPs. Because google wants to show the most relevant results to their searchers.

So that they can get the most satisfactory results. And On page SEO helps us to do that. At The Shivam Mehta, we use the best practices to make your webpage highly relevant to the targeted search query.

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Our Offering for On-page SEO Services

There are certain things to apply on your webpage which make your website SEO optimized We won’t work as other agencies do. Most of the agency just create a so-called Universal On page SEO checklist for every website. And start ticking off the boxes. But our approach is different from others. First, we try to understand your website. What is it about? What goal is associated with the website? After understanding the basic information, we make an audit report for your website. From the Audit report, we fix the errors and start the on-page SEO practices wherever it is necessary. 

Below are the services we offer under this domain.

Why On-page SEO is important for your Website Ranking?

This is already stated, on the page SEO is the most important and basic factor to optimize your website/webpage to get higher visibility in the search result pages. Because this will help the crawler and user understand what your website is about, who you are, and what you are doing in this digital space. Which query is solved on this webpage? So that google can show your webpage to more numbers of people as per their search intent. This is why on-page SEO is important for website ranking. 

How we work for On-page SEO Projects?

To make your website SEO optimize, we will onboard on-page SEO practices to every page of your website. Few of the things we have mentioned below:

Creating Unique & Useful Content:

Our content experts will create highly useful and unique content that is more relevant to the targeted keywords. And make sure the content contains all the required information which the searcher wants to know and matches their search intent. Using primary and secondary keywords naturally in the sub-headings and content.

Creating appealing meta description:

On Google results, users only see the title and meta description before checking the page. To force the user to click on our page, we will create an appealing meta description while adding a targeted keyword in it and a title that gives a reason to click on our page.

Structuring the webpage:

 To make it easier to grasp and use keywords strategically, we will add subheadings and other forms of content such as tables, lists, and more. Headings and subheadings will help users and google understand the flow of content effectively. All these things contribute to better ranking of a webpage on google results. 

Optimizing URL Structure:

 Creating URLs for pages that contain keywords, that are google, and user-friendly. Which will improve our URL structure of the pages and increase the chances of getting ranked high on google.

Right Usage of Keywords:

To optimize a webpage, we strategically use keywords in the H1 tags, the first paragraph of content, subheadings (h2, h3, etc), URLs, and meta description of the webpage.

Optimizing Title Tags:

Strategically adding keywords in the title and making it catchy. So that it will increase the click-through rate (CTR) of the page. 

Content Quality:

We make sure your web page’s content is for readers and optimized for search engines, target keywords are distributed throughout the content, optimized title and meta descriptions, content contains useful information, and enhances webpage speed and mobile usability.

Special Offer For You Only!

As you are a lucky client, we are offering 4 months of SEO services for the price of 3 months only. This means you are getting One month of SEO services for Free. To avail this offer fill out the form below and WhatsApp us on this number. We are waiting to work on your project under this Offer.

How to start on-page SEO?

Just search The shivam mehta on-page SEO services, hire us, describe your goals and relax. Our team of experts will handle your project and do whatever needs to be done. So that we can get desired results. You don’t need to take any pulse of tension about the On-page SEO of your website. Trust me we will grow it. We have experience in optimizing websites.


To get started on your project, you need to share website credentials and search console access. After this, we will be able to initiate our work on the project.

On-site, SEO will help your customers/clients and search engines to know what your business is all about and understand it effectively. By this, your business will be shown to many people organically. 

The most important elements of SEO are on-page SEO, technical SEO, authority of the website, speed of website, secure and accessible website, and mobile usability. These elements have the most impact on search results.

We are offering Off-page SEO, Technical SEO, and SEO Consultation services. More of it, we are providing a full SEO package, where we will handle your website’s SEO part from scratch to end. And applying industry best practices to get desired results.

You will need to optimize your local listings and citations

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